FRG MiNo. DE 2169 o Standard letter real used: The way to the Euro on stamps - 450th anniversary of the death of Martin Bucer.
Country: Federal Republic of Germany MiNo.: DE 2169 o Condition: postmarked
Gum: wet-adhesive Face value: 110 German Pfennig / 56 Euro Cent Issued: 2169: 2001, Letter: 2002 Special feature: The special issue stamp "Europa" of 12 May 2000 shows the first stamp with a double nominal value in German pfennig and euros, the special issue stamp "Arnold Bode" shown is the last one with a pure Pfennig value. The name and address of the recipient have been pixelated for data protection reasons.
This article is subject to Differential taxation / Margin scheme according to § 25a UStG (German tax law) collection items and antiques/special regulation, no disclosure of VAT on the invoice.